The most contentious part of a divorce is often centered around child custody issues. Parents must agree on custody agreements – otherwise, the court will decide for them. Custody cases can be especially challenging for dads, who often face unique obstacles when trying to gain parenting time and involvement in their children’s lives. Custody decisions made by the courts are based on a parent’s dedication, consistency, and willingness to support their children financially and emotionally. For fathers, proving their ongoing commitment to being a parent regardless of the challenges is essential in fighting for custody. In this blog post, we will explore two key strategies that can help dads strengthen their custody case.

Two Strategies for Fathers to Strengthen Their Custody Case

  • Consistently Make Efforts to Spend Time with Your Children
    Courts value parents who actively participate in their children’s lives. Dads should make consistent and regular efforts to see their children, even when facing resistance from the child’s mother. Many men give up after being told “No” over and over again when requesting to see their children. Do not give up when access is denied, instead continuously make an effort to request time with your children and document every interaction and attempted visit. This documentation shows your persistence in fostering and maintaining relationships with your children and demonstrates your commitment to the court.
  • Make Regular Financial Contributions to Your Children
    It is important to understand that financial contributions are crucial in demonstrating your responsibility to maintain your children’s welfare. It may feel frustrating to pay child support when you are denied access to your children and can’t see them, however legally the court doesn’t view this as a valid reason for not providing financial support. Even if you don’t have a court order forcing you to pay child support, you should make a regular monetary contribution to their upbringing. Make monthly contributions towards your children’s upbringing and document a record of each payment to show the court your commitment to providing for your children.

“Make sure that you are making a consistent effort to see your children. This may sound obvious but you would be surprised how many men give up after being told “no” over and over again by their children’s mothers. But if you can show that you never gave up and you have documentation of all the times Mom denied you access to your kids, you have a much better leg to stand on when petitioning to get the court to order parenting time for you.”
-Ashley Pepitone, Pepitone Family Law

Consistent efforts to see your children and regular financial contributions demonstrate your perseverance in gaining custody of your children. You are responsible for strengthening your case through these actions and keeping documented records to show the court you are fully invested in your role as a parent. Stay focused on actions that highlight your dedication as a father and that align with the court’s priorities.

Ashley Pepitone

Contact a Georgia Custody Attorney

If you are facing a custody issue, it is imperative that you have a strong and experienced Atlanta family law attorney on your side. We are committed to understanding your unique needs and protecting your parenting rights to ensure you don’t lose valuable time with your children. Reach out to schedule a consultation by calling (770) 800-2681 or filling out our online contact form.